P-05-1079 Safeguard Kenfig Nature Reserve using compulsory purchase powers - Correspondence - Natural Resources Wales to Chair, 17.02.21

Dear Ms Finch-Saunders,

Thank you for your email of 9 February, regarding Petition P-05-1079 Safeguard Kenfig Nature Reserve using compulsory purchase powers (attached above and below for reference). Clare Pillman has asked me to respond to you in my capacity as Head of Operations for South Wales Central.

Over the last 12 months Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has been working closely with the trustees of the Kenfig Corporation Trust (KCT), providing support and advice to enable the necessary arrangements to be put in place to protect and enhance the special features of the site.

During this time, several options have been discussed about how the Nature Reserve could be managed. This discussion has considered the constitution of KCT and our wish to sign a Management Agreement with them that will safeguard the site. I can report that we are very close to agreement with KCT and expect a formal Management Agreement to be resolved soon.

NRW has also worked closely with KCT in the recruitment and appointment of a Reserve Manager. We are very pleased to say that this has resulted in an appointment being made and a Warden will be in post at the Nature Reserve from the 1st March 2021.

With both a site warden and a Management Agreement in place, requiring oversight and regular checks by NRW officers, there is no reason to believe Kenfig Nature Reserve cannot continue to provide a great resource for local people and visitors whilst protecting and enhancing its special conservation features.

Your sincerely
